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《西宁市档案管理办法》已经西宁市人 民政府第19次常务会议审议通过,现予公布,自二○○一年三月一日起施行。

市 长 王小青


第一章 总则
第一条 为了加强档案管理,维护档案的完整和安全,有效地保护和利用档案,为国民经济和社会发展服务,根据《中华人民共和国档案法》和有关法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
第二条 凡在本行政区域内的市属国家机关、社会团体、企业、事业单位和其它组织(以下简称各单位)以及个人,均应遵守本办法。
第三条 本办法所称档案,是指过去和现在的单位和个人从事政治、军事、经济、科学、技术、文化、教育、宗教等活动直接形成的对国家和社会具有保存价值的各种文字、图表、声像、光盘、软盘等不同形式的历史记录。
第四条 市、区(县)人民政府应当加强对本行政区域内档案工作的领导,把档案事业建设列入国民经济和社会发展计划,建立健全档案机构,确定必要的人员编制,统筹安排发展档案事业所需经费。
第五条 本市档案工作实行统一领导、分级管理的原则,维护档案完整与安全,便于社会各方面利用。
第二章 档案机构及其职责
第六条 市、区(县)档案行政管理部门,主管本行政区域内的档案事业,对档案工作实行统筹规划,组织协调,依法进行监督、指导。其具体职能是:
第七条 乡、镇人民政府和城市街道办事处综合档案室,指定专人负责管理本机关的档案,并对所属单位和辖区内行政村、居委会的档案工作实行监督、指导。
第八条 市、区(县)所属各级机关及各行业主管机关档案机构,制定本行业档案工作计划、规章制度和工作目标,集中统一管理本机关档案,按规定向有关档案馆移交档案,并对所属单位的档案工作进行监督、指导。
第九条 市、区(县)各类档案馆是集中保管和提供利用档案的文化事业机构,其职责是:
第十条 市、区(县)综合档案馆分别由市、区(县)档案行政管理部门领导和管理,业务上分别受上级档案行政管理部门的监督、指导;市城建档案馆由市建设行政主管部门领导和管理,业务上受市档案行政管理部门的监督、指导;企业档案馆由本单位管理,业务上受同级档案行政管理部门的监督、指导。
第十一条 档案工作人员应当具备专业知识。
第十二条 从事档案鉴定、评估、咨询等中介服务的机构,应当接受档案行政管理部门的业务监督。业务人员应当具备本专业技术职称。
第三章 档案管理
第十三条 各单位应建立归档制度,本单位及其工作人员在公务活动中形成的文件材料,由文书或业务部门按归档范围收集齐全,按规范和规定期限进行整理立卷,交本单位档案机构或档案工作人员集中管理,任何部门和个人不得据为已有或者拒绝归档。
第十四条 举办本行政区域政治、经济、科学、文化、体育、外事、宗教等重大活动,应当通知同级档案行政管理部门。活动中形成的应当重点收集和保管的档案,由同级档案行政管理部门确定,并通知有关单位和个人办理档案登记或移交手续。
第十五条 科学技术研究成果、产品试制、设备开箱,建设工程和其它技术项目进行鉴定或验收时,须有本单位档案工作人员参加。凡重点科研成果项目鉴定,重要工程验收之前,按照分级管理的原则,其档案资料由相应的档案管理部门审查验收。未经档案部门验收或档案资料达不到完整、准确、系统的项目,不予验收。
第十六条 在本市行政区域内从事建设活动的单位,应当于工程竣工验收后的规定时间内,按照规定向市城建档案馆和有关主管部门报送工程竣工档案。
第十七条 各单位必须依照国家关于档案移交的规定向有关档案馆移交档案:
第十八条 各单位向综合档案馆移交档案的同时,应无偿移交下列编研资料、实物等。
第十九条 单位因撤销、变更,档案管理权限发生变化的,应当报档案行政管理部门备案,并按规定做好移交工作;发生争议的,由档案行政管理部门进行裁决。
第二十条 保密档案的管理和利用,密级的变更和解密,必须按照国家有关保密的法律、法规的规定办理。
第二十一条 各单位应当使用国家标准的档案用品,建立健全科学的档案管理制度。根据档案的不同等级,配置适宜保存档案的防盗、防火、防渍、防有害生物的必要设施,采取先进技术设备,实现档案管理的现代化,保证档案的安全。对重要、珍贵的档案应当采取特殊的保护措施。
第二十二条 国家所有的档案,任何组织和个人不得赠送、交换、出售。需要赠送、交换、出卖复制件的,按照国家有关规定办理。赠送、交换、出卖兼有档案性质的文物、古本图书及资料或复制件的,须在档案行政管理部门和文物行政管理部门的监督下进行。
第二十三条 集体和个人所有的档案,所有者应妥善保管,亦可以向国家档案馆捐赠、寄存或者出售。寄存在档案馆的档案,其所有权属寄存者。
第二十四条 单位或个人需要携带、运输、邮寄档案或者其复制件出境的,依法报省级以上档案行政管理部门批准。
第四章 档案的开放、利用与公布
第二十五条 档案馆必须按照国家有关规定,分期分批向社会开放档案,定期公布开放档案的目录,为档案的利用创造条件,提供方便。
第二十六条 单位和个人凭介绍信、居民身份证或工作证等合法证明,可以利用档案馆已开放的档案;利用未开放的档案和其它单位档案机构保存的档案,必须依照国家有关规定办理。
第二十七条 各级各类档案馆和其它档案机构提供利用的档案,应当以复制件代替原件。
第二十八条 档案馆提供寄存的档案,应当经寄存者同意。
第二十九条 档案的公布,是指通过下列形式首次向社会公开档案的全部或者部分原文,或者档案记载的特定内容:
第三十条 国家所有的档案,保存在档案馆的,由档案馆公布;必要时应征得档案形成单位同意或者报经其上级主管部门的同意后公布;保存在各单位档案机构的,由本单位或者其上级主管部门批准后公布。
第三十一条 档案馆和单位档案机构应当加强对档案的研究整理,编辑出版档案史料,举办档案陈列展览等项活动,充分发挥档案的社会效益。
第三十二条 综合档案馆应当建立档案资料目录中心,为利用者提供服务。专门档案馆和区(县)综合档案馆以及单位档案机构按照有关规定向市综合档案馆报送档案资料目录。
第三十三条 档案馆提供档案和咨询服务,按照国家和省有关规定收取费用。
第五章 奖励与处罚
第三十四条 县级以上人民政府,有关主管部门和企业事业单位对有下列情形之一的档案机构、档案工作人员和其它组织与个人给予表彰、奖励:
第三十五条 有下列行为之一的,由县级以上档案行政管理部门责令限期改正;情节严重的,根据有关档案的价值和数量,对单位处以1万元以上10万元以下罚款;对个人处500元以上5000元以下罚款;造成损失的,责令赔偿损失;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十六条 有下列行为之一的,由县级以上档案行政管理部门责令限期改正;情节严重的,对单位处以5000元以下罚款,对个人处以1000元以下罚款。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十七条 擅自携带档案及其复制件出境的,由海关予以没收;并将没收的档案或复制件,移交档案行政管理部门。
第三十八条 档案工作人员徇私舞弊,索贿受贿、玩忽职守、失密泄密的,由所在档案行政管理部门或行政监察机关给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十九条 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可依法申请复议或提起行政诉讼。
第六章 附则
第四十条 外资企业的档案工作,依照国家有关规定执行。
第四十一条 本办法应用中的具体问题由市档案行政管理部门负责解释。
第四十二条 本办法自2001年3月1日起施行。

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第一条 为了促进经济技术开发区的建设和发展,加强海关管理,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》和国家对经济技术开发区的有关法规,特制定本规定。
第二条 本规定适用于经国家批准的沿海港口城市兴办的经济技术开发区(以下简称开发区)。
第三条 开发区内从事进出口业务的外贸企业、生产企业、应持国家主管部门的批准文件和工商行政管理部门颁发的营业执照,向所在地海关办理注册登记手续。
第四条 开发区进出口货物应当由收、发货人或其代理人填写进、出口货物报关单向海关如实申报,并按照国家有关规定交验许可证件和其他有关单证,上述货物如从开发区以外的口岸进出境,应按海关对转关运输货物监管办法办理。
第五条 开发区内享受进出口货物优惠待遇的企业,应建立专门帐册,定期向海关书面报告进口物资使用、销售、库存以及出口等有关情况,由海关进行核查,海关有权随时进入企业检查货物情况和调阅有关帐册。
第六条 开发区内企业和机构,经国家规定的主管部门批准,进口供本开发区内使用货物,其关税、进口调节税和工商统一税(产品税或增值税)按以下规定办理:
第七条 含有免税进口料件的制成品,经批准从内地运往开发区销售、使用的,按第六条的规定分别免征或补征税款。
第八条 开发区内企业出口开发区生产的产品,免征出口关税。
第九条 开发区进口的减免税货物只限在区内使用,未经批准,并办结海关手续,不得移作他用,不得擅自转让、销售、租赁区外。
第十条 开发区内单位更新下来的原免税进口的机器、设备、公用物品运往内地,以及在开发区内承包工程的内地单位施工结束后,将上述物资运往内地,均应向海关交验有关主管部门的批准文件,经海关审核认可,酌情予以补税验放。
第十一条 开发区内经营进料加工业务企业,其进出口有关物资分别按照《中华人民共和国海关对外商投资企业履行产品出口合同所需进口料件管理办法》和《中华人民共和国海关对进料加工进出口货物的管理办法》办理。
第十二条 开发区内企业如需将进口的料件运往开发区外加工,应凭开发区主管部门的批准文件和与内地加工企业签定的加工合同向海关登记,由海关核发《登记手册》,加工后的成品,应按合同规定期限运回开发区,并在合同执行完毕后的一个月内,持《登记手册》向海关办理核销手续。
第十三条 开发区以外的进口货物临时运往开发区使用时,应向海关申报,有关货物退回内地时,经海关查验确系原货的,可准予退回;未向海关申报的,有关货物退运内地时,按开发区进口货物运往内地的规定办理。
第十四条 凡违反本规定或海关其他规定的,由海关按《中华人民共和国海关法》和其他有关法规的规定进行处理。
第十五条 本规定自一九八八年五月十五日起施行。

Administrative Rules of the Customs of the People's Republic ofChina for the Goods Entering and Leaving the Economic and TechnologicalDevelopment Zones

(Promulgated on April 26, 1988 by the General Administration ofCustoms of the People's Republic of China)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
The present Rules are formulated in order to promote the construction
and development of the economic and technological development zones,
strengthen the Customs control, in accordance with the Customs Law of the
People's Republic of China and the relevant State regulations concerning
the economic and technological development zones.
Article 2
The present Rules apply to the economic and technological development
zones (hereinafter referred to as the development zone) set up by coastal
cities with the State approval.
Article 3
The foreign trade enterprises and productive enterprises which
conduct import and export businesses in the development zone shall present
the approval documents of the competent authority and the business license
issued by the administrative department of industry and commerce to go
through the Customs formalities of registration at the local Customs.
Article 4
When goods imported or exported from the development zone, the
consignee or consignor or his agent shall fill in the declaration
certificate of imported or exported goods and declare the imported and
exported goods to the Customs according to the facts and submit licenses
and relevant documents for examination in accordance with the relevant
State regulations. If the above mentioned goods enter or leave the
territory at ports outside the development zone, the goods shall be dealt
with according to the regulations concerning the Customs supervision and
control of transportation of goods between the Customs.
Article 5
The enterprises which enjoy the preferential treatments of imported
and exported goods in the development zone shall establish special account
books, report regularly to the Customs in writing the use, sale, storage
and export of imported goods. The Customs shall verify the reports and
have the right to go into the enterprises at any time to check the goods
and the relevant account books.
When considered necessary, the Customs shall send Customs officers to
station in the enterprises for supervision and handle the Customs
formalities. The relevant enterprises shall provide free in charge offices
and necessary convenience.
Article 6
If the enterprises or institutes in the development zone want to
import goods for self-use within the development zone with the approval of
the competent State authority, the import duties, import adjusted tax,
consolidated industrial and commercial tax (product tax or value added
tax) shall be dealt with according to the following provisions:
1) The imported machines, equipment and other infrastructure
construction materials needed by the infrastructure construction of the
development zone shall be exempted from duties;
2) The imported construction materials, production and management
equipment, fuel production, production vehicles of reasonable amount,
means of transportation, office stationery and the imported spare parts
needed by the maintenance of the above mentioned machines, equipment and
vehicle shall be exempted from duties.
3) The construction materials, means of transportation, office
stationery, management equipment of reasonable amount imported for
self-use by the administrative departments, institutes in the development
zone shall be dealt with reference to the stipulation of above Paragraph.
4) The raw materials, spare parts, components specially imported by
the enterprises in the development zone and actually consumed in producing
export products, and the food stuff used for business of tourism and
catering trade, and the food imported for raising export products with
use of foreign capital shall be exempted from duties.
5) Other goods imported by the development zone which are outside the
range stipulated in Paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4 of this Article shall be paid
duties according to the regulations.
Article 7
If the products which contain materials or components exempted from
duties will be transported from the inland to the development zone with
approval to be sold or used, the products shall be exempted from or
imposed duties separately according to the stipulations of Article 6.
Article 8
The enterprises in the development zone export products produced in
the development zone shall be exempted from export duties.
The products processed in the development zone for export, with use
of the materials and semi-products from the inland, may be deemed as
products of the development zone if the products have been materially
processed and the value of the products have increased up to 20% or more.
The Customs shall exempt the products from export duties according to the
testimonial documents issued by the relevant competent authority.
The enterprises in the development zone want to export products of
the inland by acting as agent or purchasing shall be dealt with according
to the relevant State regulations. The products which should be levied
export duties shall be imposed export duties according to the regulations.
Article 9
The imported goods of the development zone which are reduced or
exempted from duties shall only be used within the limits of the zone.
Without the permission and complete of the Customs formalities, the goods
shall not be transferred to other uses and shall not be presumptuously
transferred, sold and leased outside the development zone.
Article 10
If the institutes in the development zone transport the replaced
machines, equipment and office stationery originally imported and
exempted from duties to the inland or the institutes of the inland which
contract constructions in the development zone transport above mentioned
equipment and materials to the inland after complete of the
constructions, they shall submit the approval documents issued by the
relevant competent authority to the Customs for examination. After the
verification and approval, the Customs shall impose duties again according
to the concrete conditions and release these goods upon examination.
Article 11
The relevant imported and exported materials of the enterprises which
conduct the businesses of processing imported materials shall be dealt
with in accordance with the Administrative Rules of the Customs of the
People's Republic of China concerning the Imported and Exported Goods for
Processing Imported Materials and the Administrative Rules of the Customs
of the People's Republic of China concerning the Imported Materials and
Components Needed by the Enterprises with Foreign Investments for carrying
out Export Contracts.
When the enterprise in the development zone wants to sell the
products produced or assembled with imported materials and components
exempted from duties to the inland market with permission of the relevant
competent authority, the enterprise shall again go through the Customs
formalities of import, and the Customs shall impose duties on the
materials and components contained in the products; When the enterprise
wants to sell or use the products in the development zone, the products
shall be exempted from or imposed duties according to the stipulations of
Article 6 of the present Rules. If the owner or his agent of the goods can
not declare clearly the name, quantity and value of the imported materials
and components contained in the products, the Customs shall impose duties
according to the product duty rate.
Article 12
If the enterprise in the development zone needs to process the
imported materials and components outside the development zone, the
enterprise shall register to the Customs by presenting the approval
documents issued by the competent authority of the development zone and
the processing contracts signed with the enterprise in the inland. The
registration book shall be issued by the Customs upon check. The processed
products shall be transported back to the development zone within the
duration stipulated in the contracts. The enterprise shall go through the
Customs formalities of conciliation by holding the registration book
within one month after the complete of the contracts.
Article 13
The imported goods outside the development zone which will be
transported temporarily into the development zone shall be declared to the
Customs. When the goods are transported back to the inland, the Customs
shall release the goods after examining the goods to be the original ones.
If the goods have not been declared to the Customs, the goods shall be
dealt with according to the regulations concerning the goods transported
from the development zone to the inland when the goods are transported
back to the inland.
Article 14
Violating the present Rules and other Customs regulations shall be
dealt with by the Customs in accordance with the Customs Law of the
People's Republic of China and other relevant regulations.
Article 15
The present Rules shall enter into force on May 15, 1988.




一、禁止直接或间接从希腊共和国输入偶蹄动物( 包括偶蹄动物的胚胎和精液)及其产品。
